Aikido Columns “It Had to Be Felt” dari Aikiweb
Dimulai dari tulisan ini, saya akan mencoba menerjemahkan kolom–kolom “It Had to Be Felt” dari website yang dipelopori oleh Ellis Amdur (seorang praktisi beberapa macam budo dan beladiri cina). Kemudian atas permintaan beliau atau atas keinginan tiap-tiap kontributor, semakin banyak yang berkontribusi dalam kolom tersebut. Kolom–kolom tersebut mendeskripsikan pengalaman pribadi tiap-tiap praktisi saat mengalami secara langsung menjadi uke ( taking ukemi ) dari para tokoh aikido . Menurut ucapan Ellis Amdur secara langsung : “ I would like to be part of something that, collectively, is … for some time, even decades, the aikido community will have a resource in which people can, for example, look up and read what it was like to grab Tada Hiroshi or Kuroiwa Yoshio, all these wonderful teachers who are now gone, or whom you will perhaps have no chance to meet. There were giants on the earth in earlier days – perhaps we can, at least, get a felt sense of what it wa